What do you imagine knitting? Are you like me and a virtual hoarder? Queuing up endless images of knitting projects you'd like to do, but only in a dream world could you possibly achieve all those patterns & designs. And yet you continue to pin ideas and add to your favorite site on Ravelry?
Dreaming to me is important. Sometimes the most seemingly impossible dreams can come true. Like for instance I had pinned the Fearless Cardigan on Pinterest and "Favorited" it on Ravelry; but I knew I would never ask my husband for such an expensive yarn. Lovely- but come on- food and bills come first. But one night when I couldn't sleep I felt The Lord ask my heart is there one thing I'd love to get with the tax return that is just fun? That would make you happy? I thought and the first thing that popped into my head was that Crazy Sexy Wool and the pattern for The Fearless Cardigan by Wool & The Gang. Lovelyyarnescapes-The Sumptuous Sexy Fearless Cardigan I fell asleep peacefully dreaming of the cardigan. Now if you knew my life you would know the difficulties we've faced the last year. The new fear and difficulties we face with our teen daughter this winter (prayer is always welcome- thanks). So God whispering to my heart- "Is there something that would make you especially happy- something frivolous?" Would not seem so odd. So I woke up and realized it was OK to ask. And I did and here I am dragging a 1 or 2 day project out for weeks- I've never had such lovely yarn and expensive! I didn't use the word "Sumptuous" lightly!
So while I ask you to dream and tell us what are some of your fantasy knits that you have queued up, I also know someday some of them will come to be. Like mine.
If you want to join (I'm new at this and don't have any fancy buttons to push on my site- yet) just pick 1 - 3 fantasy or projected knits that you'd like to do. They can be knits you know you'll never do- but wish you could or were able; or knits you actually want to accomplish one day or start tomorrow. Include the appropriate links to either the pattern or a way to get it or the Ravelry page. Enjoy the journey and Happy Dreaming- surely dreams can come true and when they don't the act of dreaming inspires and pleases the soul anyway. Post any dreams in the "Comment" section either directly or through your Blog so we can enjoy it!
My Fantasy Knits-

Knittingdaily-Squall Line Shawl
Happy Dreaming- you never know where your dreams might lead...
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