My Adventures in Knitting, truly my Yarn-escape!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday Moments

      I wanted to take a moment and pause to think about my week to come.  To form a plan, to reflect on the right attitude, to set goals.  To take reflection, infuses one with purpose and (hopefully) action.

     This Monday I'm trying to get a jump a day ahead on my blogging by at least setting up my blogs for the next day in a rough outline and some starter phrases and paragraphs for inspiration.  I know many just do the blog the day before, but I'm actually enjoying doing it in the morning.  But I'd like to personally get in a better schedule.  Try explaining that to a teenager who thinks summer means no schedule and no bedtime (yup sure kid, not happening).  At anyrate as I try to get her and me into a workable schedule, I want to personally get my blog out in the AM so I can- yes KNIT-READ-SEW, maybe clean the house or whatever the rest of the day.  I tend to get carried away and work all day on the blog.  I'm a tad overzealous I guess and I want it "Just right".  So this is this week's goal, to start earlier and keep trying to simplify.

       But I am really enjoying the blogging.  I especially found it gratifying to walk into the Keene Valley Library when I was in The Adirondack Mountains a few weeks ago and because I was knitting to have the librarian and her friend descend and ask me questions of what I was doing.  They have a Tea at the Library it sounded like 2 evenings a week where they discuss (I'm assuming) books and they told me they talk about their knitting.  Truely a more old fashioned feel there and nice to find fellow knitters and readers lurking about.  They plan to put my blog in their monthly newsletter with a published author.  I'm like sure!

      By the way I'm watching my punctuation more now that a librarian is reading this.  Grammer was always a mystery to me, I actually had a speech impediment when I was very little (which no one can tell now) but I still find grammar and memorizing words or names difficult.  It has to sound right to me, but rules kinda float over my head.  Still trying though.  When my daughter (the one that went to Oxford last year and just graduated a History/Literature major) was home we would always test out words, look them up and broaden our vocabulary constantly.  Both of us are voracious readers and she scored amazingly high on her English portion of the SAT's.  Constant practice since she was young, but it was self imposed, so that helped.  Either kids are into it, or not.  I go with the flow of your kid's strengths and wants.  

     For a fun list of books I recommended last week check out my "Friday Finds" blog.

     Happy reading and knitting this week.

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