My Adventures in Knitting, truly my Yarn-escape!

Friday, January 15, 2016

A Knitting Epiphany

You know I was looking at my mitt/gloves I knit for my son Jonathan and I realized no one sees the strings that used to pop out everywhere that I so carefully and meticulously weaved back in (making sure they didn't create a bump or show). Hours of weaving in. Or the times the fingers were too short so I tore them out part way to re-knit the perfect length. Or the countless times I made a mistake and had to "frog" part of it and start again. And it dawned on me- a mini-revelation or epiphany - we see & know all the problems, the traumas, our mistakes, our weaknesses; but when it's all over God will hide them all away and we will look and be perfect! Isn't that a wonderful thought! I need a lot of tucking!

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