My favorite knit this winter (besides the cowl I did in my last week's blog post:
Hudson Cowl) has been this
Warm One Hat . That goes up very quick in a bulky yarn. I used Malabrigo Mecha in Thereza. A color like the icy January day that I picked it up in at a local yarn shop.

I was traveling with my husband further down the Maine Coast to see the surgeon about my hip. Thoughts of whether he would do the surgery. (I knew from my right hip being replaced 6 years ago that it was a great surgery. My pain had almost immediately gone after it and for 6 years I was so thankful to God and man, especially when hiking, that we had such modern medicine and surgical capabilities.) So I was very tense and trying not to be down, my imagination leaping to how long would I be in pain? So I determined to only think on this ball of yarn I was getting. So from the night before I thought of the beautiful blue & white yarn that I knew was in stock, that I would form into a really warm hat; and hopefully, take a walk in it these January days of bitter cold. I couldn't control the Dr. or the future of my hip, but I could take joy in the work of my hands.

PS - The surgery date is in May and finally I'm on meds, not Opioids, that control the pain. Walking, well at this point is forays into Bangor and shopping with a cart, but it's walking. I dream of hiking and walking the Belfast Railroad Trail (I did do that many times this Fall).
What I'm Reading Now 📚
Do you ever look up items when mentioned in a book to get a visual idea of what's being said? Especially if it's a specific style of fashion item? I mean I'm not up on heeled shoes or boots. I wear flats, ones as flat as possible, or my legs and back won't forgive me. The book I just started mentioned Louboutin ankle👢 Boots, so here they are. I find looking up stuff from fashion to historical pieces very helpful to imaging the scene.

So I started a new series of upbeat Rom-Coms. I'm just in a difficult stage of waiting months for hip surgery and pain can get you down. They've got me on better meds (not opioids) but the best medicine is going away in my mind. Blogging does that and also creating with my hands: knitting, making & baking my Sourdough breads, baking gf desserts for my hubby, and disappearing into a good book. Now I like great books that are well written and deep or deal with historic topics; but right now just a light, warm feel good and positive read is what is medicine for me now.
So I'm reading books by a British author Maxine Morrey; starting with the book "Things Are Looking Up". She has loads of what she describes as feel-good, positive Rom-Coms. I do love an author I like that has lots of books to delve into. So far I'm enjoying the book. It starts with a bang and I don’t want to give away the plot. But it's a good read.
I'm also starting "Fairy Tale" by Stephen King on Audible as I blogged and knit away.
This morning I restarted " Washington, a Life" by Ron Chernow on Audible. I started a while ago when pursuing studying the American Revolutionary War, but in the past year, I've opted for a more melodic choice in the mornings. But I miss studying history and I can get a lot accomplished just by playing Audible as I do things. I also have the paperback version of the book because inevitably I'll miss a word or have a hard time grasping something and I do push replay a lot (I often zone out thinking of something else). But having the book propped open with a Leather book weight helpful. The book itself is so interesting and the wording and descriptions of Washington really flesh him out.
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For Valentine's Day, I baked this Super Dark Cheesecake in a mini Cheesecake pan. I'll add a link to my baking blog Sweettobe hopefully by the end of the week for the recipe. Definitely a winner!