My Adventures in Knitting, truly my Yarn-escape!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Project Peace

“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”

     For the past 5 years, I've followed the Project Peace by Christina Campbell on "The Healthy Knitter" blog.  This year a Project Peace wasn't run so I decided to go back and finish the first year's project that I did in 2016 - Project Peace 2016 and reread her past year's posts.  A link to her first day in 2016:  Peace Begins Here.

The Healthy Knitter post for Dec 1st 2021 - Letting Go...

     Following this Peace Along for 21 days at the end of every year has given me a settled peaceful feeling to start the New Year.  You knit a very peaceful rhythmic knit and read her morning posts on The Healthy Knitter on different aspects to achieve inner peace, with the hopes of bringing about more world peace.   I try to start better morning habits and it's just become part of my yearly habit, a good one. 

A Link to Christina Campbell's patterns: Project Peace

     A previous years knit Project Peace 2017 is shown above and below -

Starting the Project Peace in 2016 with Jenny.

My Project Peace 2016 ready to cast back on.

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