My Adventures in Knitting, truly my Yarn-escape!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day: Mom- Not A Title I’d Ever Take Lightly!

Emily & Jonathan

A tribute to my kids and being Mom- Mom- Not A Title I’d Ever Take Lightly!.


I remember too many Mother's Days that I cried because I didn't and couldn't have children.  I had tried and lost one when just married at the beginning of pregnancy and it just wasn't going to happen- we tried for years.  I let it go to God.  If it ever was going to happen, He would have to intervene.  Prayer for over a decade had taught me- that it was either His will or not at all.  Period.  I went on, I started going to school for a Master's in International Studies and I substituted High School.  One day after asking God to heal me in a healing service, I got pregnant.  I lost that baby after 3 months.  But after a year I finally got pregnant again and had my Elisabeth.  

Jonathan & Emily

Jonathan was a surprise, my doctor told me to keep on trying because "the pump was primed",  but I never thought I could actually have another.  It had taken too much to have one!  But I was pregnant again within 8 months and I almost lost him at 12 weeks when I started to bleed just like the previous pregnancy.  I lay on the couch feeling defeated, not believing that he would survive.  My heart had gone through too much.  But he's 6ft. now and very alive and studying Ecology and Sustainable Energy and working with Carpenter dreaming of building Sustainable homes one day at College of Atlantic in Maine!  And Maggie happened when I was 42-  almost 20 years of trying to get pregnant!  My detailed story is in my Walking in Random Thoughts blog.  But my children will always be my special blessing no matter how far they roam.


Elisabeth in Europe

My Elisabeth has studied at Middlebury College History (with a Medieval  focus) and Literature and minored in Costuming.  She did her Junior year at Oxford, England, where she traveled to Scotland and France.  She graduates in a few weeks and will be working on restored colonial garments and reproductions at Plimoth Rock this summer and hopefully has a job next year at a Colonial- Revolutionary War Museum.

Jonathan on top of Cadillac Mt. in Maine after running up it at sunrise 

Jonathan & Emily

Maggie's first play

Maggie at Lower lake

Elisabeth in Paris

Elisabeth in France

Jonathan in one of his many plays

Jonathan as Jean-Francois Millet and his sister in "Is He Dead?"  

Elisabeth in Europe


Jonathan and his girl Emily

Jonathan working in the summer grounds and carpentry for his college- College of the Atlantic

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